2021 Boot & Buckle: A Full Recap


June 28, 2021—

As our team collected our thoughts after last weekend’s Boot & Buckle, our shared sentiment was simple: that was just so much fun. 

Again, a sincerest thank you goes out to each of you who played.

This event is made great by the people who take part and you all make it a blast to host the Boot & Buckle each and every (well, almost each and every) year.

Aside from the golf, the food, the drinks, and the entertainment, what makes this event so fun is the tradition and relationships that are being built.

Let’s get into a recap of the weekend.


The Food


Always a hit, TC and his team in the kitchen were slinging delectable meals all weekend.

TC is adamant (based on the countless comments the team received) that the star dish of the weekend was Friday’s Cajun Beer Battered Walleye with an Andouille Sausage and dirty rice. It is pictured below.



Thursday, we went heavy with great appetizers, serving barbwire bites, shrimp cocktail, buffalo chicken dip, candied pork ends, bruschetta chicken bread boats, and guacamole cheddar crisps. Folks were stuffed!

Friday’s lunch was creative, as the team made bacon-wrapped pork lollipops with cowboy beans. Yes, they’re exactly what they sound like, they were awesome and the perfect halfway house snack.

On Saturday evening, we prepared a prime-roasted New York strip with twice baked cheesy mashed potatoes, and a garlic butter asparagus side.

We received many thumbs ups and kind words, between the chewing and grunting, of course.

Dessert — a banana split ice cream sandwich — was the ideal night cap.

Next year, we’ll take more pictures of the food instead of solely eating and enjoying it.

Kudos to TC and the team and thank you to anyone who sent compliments to the team!


The Golf

First things first, we really lucked out with beautiful weather. Not that poor weather would dampen anything other than a few layers of clothes.

But dry, warm, summer days make for awesome prairie golf. It allows the courses to be played the way they’re meant to be played. Firm and fast.

Before we dive into the flight champions, we’d like to highlight an event that sent roars across the Horse Course on Thursday evening.

Dennis Bauer made an ace on Horse #3 during the Par-3 tournament.

Sadly, we have no video to commemorate or pass along.  If only we knew he’d make it before he hit it!

The ace created quite the stir to kick off the weekend. Congratulations, Dennis — great shot!

(Dennis, if you’re reading this and have any extra photos of the ace, please email them to our team!)



After the dust settled in the Horse Race on the Pines, our champions of the weekend were crowned.

Meet them here: Brent O’Mara and Chris Kankousky.


Participants in the Horse Race, the flight champions, are here.



What a great weekend.

If you have any photos you’d like us to add to our album, send them to our marketing team via email (aspureasgolfgets@gmail.com).

We’ll come to you later in the fall around registration for 2022.