2021 Homesteader Recap


October 11, 2021 —

What a phenomenal weekend we had during The Homesteader 2021.

Not only with spectacular fall weather, but with a great weekend building relationships.

It appears this event has found a perfect little home, serving as the “closer” for season. We loved finishing the season with only our members on the property.

The event, with some 30 teams, was the biggest Homesteader we’ve ever hosted.

The golf event, won by Peter Sneed and Max Tucker, was a perfect balance of competitive in nature, but mellow and pressure-free.

You can view the golf results here.

The rest of the weekend was spent enjoying great food, great drink (both, all-inclusive for the weekend), massages, and time simply relaxing.

Buffalo burgers and fajitas for lunch, were followed by menus featuring ribeyes, walleye, and salmon in the evenings.

The Homesteader was a great way to finish the season.

Thank you to all who spent it here with us.

See photos here.