Brittney O’Kief: The 2017 Prairie Club Foundation Scholarship Recipient
July 22, 2017—
For the past two years, The Prairie Club has had the privilege of awarding a scholarship to one of our many hard-working student employees. In 2015, the recipient was Lucas Stoeger. Last year’s award went to Gillian Cheney.
This year, we are thrilled to announce that the Prairie Club Foundation Scholarship recipient is Brittney O’Kief.
The Foundation seeks to impact those who have made such an impact on us through their service to The Prairie Club. Brittney is an outstanding example of this.
A Nebraska native, Brittney grew up on her family’s ranch about 20 miles southeast of Valentine—40 miles from the Club. It takes her about 45 minutes to drive to work each day, but she says the wonderful people she works with and serves make the long commute completely worthwhile.
“Brittney has been a huge asset to my department,” said Food & Beverage Director, Brandy Grooms. “She comes in with a great attitude, work ethic, and is just a ray of sunshine. The scholarship couldn’t have gone to someone so deserving and I know she will make the most of it. I am proud and lucky to have her on my team.”

Brittney with General Manager Ross Buckendahl
Brittney says she learns new things every day, and loves meeting and interacting with people from all over the world who come to play the Sandhills.
“My favorite part about working at the Prairie Club is the wonderful people who work there along with the wonderful people I meet each year. It is interesting talking to people from all over the world. The golfers who come respect us and come to have fun. It makes working there so much fun. Along with all the great members who treat us so well,” said Brittney.
A graduate of Valentine High School, Brittney received her Associate’s degree from Eastern Wyoming College. She is currently pursuing a degree in education from the University of Nebraska at Kearney, and plans to teach middle school math and business, as well as someday getting a secondary education endorsement and a certificate in counseling. Brittney says she hopes to have the opportunity to change the life of each student who walks in and out of her classroom.
With so many goals to pursue, receiving this scholarship gives Brittney the freedom to study hard and stay involved in school instead of worrying about paying for tuition. Especially since she is typically taking 18 or more credits per semester.
She’s excited to get more involved in education programs, the honor society, and intramural sports.
This freedom is tremendously meaningful for Brittney, and she is filled with gratitude for all of you who have made this possible and all the people who have impacted her during her time at the Club.
Next time you see Brittney, be sure to wish her well as she prepares for school, and thank her for all the time and hard work she’s given us at the Club.
Thank you so much to all who have donated to make this scholarship possible. We strongly believe that supporting our students’ dreams through education is a worthy cause, and we feel blessed to have the resources to pursue it. If you would like to contribute, please contact Mandi Loughran ( for more information.
Again, we thank you.
Your Prairie Club Staff