Closing Day for 2023


October 8, 2023 —

It’s easy to feel melancholy this time of the year.

Tonight, we close the doors for the season.

And it’s almost like Mother Nature knows the dates on the calendar intimately.  As soon as early October comes around — and those calendars flip — we start getting those chilly days that hadn’t shown face in the previous weeks and months.

We were in the 40s earlier this weekend. (Thankfully, no snow!)

You may hear from us a time or two here in October, but otherwise, we’re tired. It’s a long golf season and after a brief series of meetings to prep for next year (starting tomorrow), our team is going to take a bit of much-deserved rest.

What a season — filled with so many wonderful memories and experiences. Every single summer, the prairie delivers on its promise.

Now begins the work of putting the courses to rest for winter.