Coolest Conference Room Ever: Austad’s in Sioux Falls
February 5, 2021 —
Last month, we received an email inquiry from our friends at Austad’s Golf based out of Sioux Falls.
A fellow member of the club, Dave Austad—along with his son Ryan—now run the family golf retail business started in 1963 by family patriarch Oscar. It’s an incredible story, but a story for another day.
(You can, however, read the amazing story about how Dave got Michael Jordan on their magazine cover back in 1990 here.)
Anyway, they called last month desiring a high-resolution photo of The Prairie Club for a large print.
How large, you ask?
Check this out:

Full wall-spread large!
The photo above is their newly-furnished conference room, where equipment reps, vendors, and partners travel to Sioux Falls to meet and talk business.
This might be the largest photo of the club anywhere — at least that we know of. We trust The Prairie Club will be a great topic of conversation for many years to come at Austad’s.
Great wall, Dave (& Austad’s team)!
Thanks for sharing with us.