Electric Car Charging Station — FAQ

Q: Will I be charged for using The Prairie Club's hookup?

A: There is currently no fee for lodging or golfing guests to charge electric vehicles.

Q: What time is it available?

A: All arrangements are coordinated by our outside services team. Please ask a member of our team (either in the Golf Shop or Front Desk) that you need this service and the outside team will handle the charging of your vehicle prior to your departure.

Q: Is the charging station available to non-members?

A: Yes, but it is limited availability. Members receive priority usage.

Question: How many chargers are there?
Answer: We have two plugins.

Q: Does the club charge Teslas?

A: Yes. The station is an electrical outlet station for car charging for all electric vehicles, including Teslas (just bring your own adapters with you).

Q: Where is the charging station located?

A: They’re at our maintenance buildings behind 2 Dunes. However, we do not allow non-staff members to take their vehicles. Simply let us know, and we’ll get it handled.

Q: What adapters does the club have?

A: We encourage guests to bring their correct adapters with them and we will plug in. We do not have adapters on property.

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