Merry Christmas — Mailings, and more…


December 23, 2019—

This is the last you’ll be hearing from us in 2019.

As mentioned in the email that went out on Sunday afternoon, you should be receiving year-end Christmas mailings from us over the next week.

If you don’t see anything by January 2, contact our team. We’ll verify to which address your package was sent.

Our actual property will be closed all week for the holiday. We will open again on Monday, December 30th with the following office hours:

  • Monday 9am-4pm
  • Tuesday 9am-4pm
  • Wednesday Closed
  • Thursday 9am-4pm
  • Friday 9am-3pm

As a final note, if you have not been receiving member-only emails over the past few weeks, please contact We’d like to make sure you’re receiving our communication.

Throughout 2020, we’ll be sending emails on a weekly basis — Sunday afternoons.

Have a Merry Christmas and a happy holidays.

— The Prairie Club team