Murders, Wine, Cheesecake, and Golf: Couples Weekend Recap
We’re now, finally, gaining our breath after what was an incredible time. Couples Weekend was a complete success! Our team was blessed by all of your presences on-site, and we missed those of you who weren’t able to join us. It was yet again, another memory to treasure.
Every member we’ve talked to over the days following the event have shared only glowing remarks. And even though we have yet to set a date for 2017, we still have plenty of interest for next year already (hint, hint: if you want to join us next year, put your name in the hat).
Among the weekend’s activities, easily one of the highlights was the action-packed Murder Mystery game played on Friday night. Everyone dressed up, performed, and had a blast. With that, we indulged in a few awards (with photos below):
Our Best Performer: Charlene Webber, played by Betty Kant. *applause*
[Nominations for Al Capone (Kent Mundon), Harry Hyde (Andrew Schock) & Vicky Ravioli (Gina Primmer)]Our Best Dressed: Congressman Darrin Toosteal, played by Peter Roth. *applause, again*
[Nominations for Vanessa Crooner (Cindy Gentner), Mayor Bill Bumpkin (Roland Gentner)]In the end, it was Carrie Crooner (played by Rachel Strandell) who was the murderer. And we all thought she was an innocent songbird… During the uncovering of the mystery, there were a few unfortunate souls who were murdered throughout the night.
The crime was successfully solved by Al Capone (Kent Mundon), Hobart T. King (Mike Strandell), and R.K. Oswald (Andrew Strandell). Thank you gentleman, for bringing peace back to The Club.
A few photos…
To follow-up Friday, delectable six-course meal was served on Saturday night. It featured parmesan-crusted tilapia as a main course, with exquisite dishes and wine pairings both before, and after. It was all capped off with our own version of Xango Cheesecake sprinkled with cinnamon. The entire meal was extraordinary.
Outside of the main events, our couples spent time golfing, taking massages, enjoying picnics, partaking in a putting contest on the Old Wagon (won by Andrew & Janelle Schock), spending time at the river, and enjoying the Club.
Unfortunately, due to some inconvenient and uninvited cloud cover, star-gazing had to be cancelled on Saturday night. A bummer, but we’ll be sure to do it again sometime in the future!
Thank you again to everyone for making the weekend such a fun one for us to host. We’re looking ahead to next year with a gleaming eye.