Wild Weather in Valentine | February 2021
February 24, 2021 —
Winters are never easy on the Nebraska prairie.
It was six winters ago that a layer of ice coated the golf course, trapping the turf and leading to a very unhealthy spring. A few years ago, temperatures were so unseasonably high, that we turned on our irrigation lines in early March, the earliest we ever have in history.
Navigating winter is always a game of taking on the challenge of the unexpected.
Let’s archive February 2021 as another chapter in that wild ride.
See this tweet below:
Was looking at largest CONUS February temperature range so far and come up with Valentine, Nebraska at 103 degrees. International Falls. MN comes in at 87 degrees and it's plot is too pretty not to share. pic.twitter.com/z5B4f8gqEb
— daryl herzmann (@akrherz) February 22, 2021
Yep, you read that right… 103 temperature variance in less than 15 days.
We’ve been able to hand water key areas throughout the winter, which helps immensely. When it dips to freezing, we just hang on.
We’ll come with a full spring course conditions update in mid-April with a report coming out of the winter.
So far though, so good.
Only 84 days until opening day 2021. So close, yet so far away. pic.twitter.com/BQc1u0jVVn
— Andrew Getty (@Andrew_Getty) February 19, 2021
Thankful for the snow cover during our 14 days under freezing and -32 degrees. But the melt is on today with 50 degrees, full sun and 25 mph winds. pic.twitter.com/3vh6HwPmas
— DJ Shallenberger (@huskershally) February 22, 2021